Saturday 4 April 2015

When do you stop experimenting?

I guess the answer to that is 'You don't!'.
OK, put it this way - 'When should you stop experimenting?'
I would like to think the answer would be 'Never!', but it depends on what you are trying to achieve.
It is always tempting to try something new out, but it can be a distraction if you are aiming to refine a process. It can be tedious tweaking small details in order to get a process right, it's much easier and more fun to just mess about with a new idea instead.

An example - I tried these designs as stud earrings. I don't really think they work as such. (too big? 10mm and 15mm) I need to research the particular character stud earrings have, and adapt. I feel I am just not 'getting it' right now. I need to plug away at this, but it would be more fun to mess around with another new idea. . .
I come up against this all the time. I have so may things I want to try. . .
My solution, such as it is, is to do both at the same time. When your detail tweak stuff is baking, you have a half hour to experiment, and when your experimental things are baking, you have half an hour to refine your detail tweak stuff. . . You can prioritise each process at different times of day.

Refining the process - Image transfers onto raw clay, ready to be cut out and baked. I've got this pretty much sorted now. I need to concentrate on what images work best at what size next. . . And I need to remember to work on the tile I want to bake them on! . . I forgot,  which meant that they distorted slightly when I lifted them off my big work tile and onto my baking tile. Duh. .

This dilemma also spills over into deciding what I should put in my shop. I have to weigh up whether it is worth the time and effort to photograph and list something that might prove to be unpopular.
Well, at the stage my shop is at, I think I have to adopt the approach of trying anything and everything, and refining from there based on the reactions things get.

An experiment with digital African style black and white images - and with possible matching pendant and earring beads. Not sure if I will list this, but I probably will. It's the only way to find out if I'm heading in the right direction.

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